Thursday, October 11, 2007

Moving Day approaches

Oh dear, we've got two more days until the movers come to take us away to the new house. Don't tell Jeff I said this, but we're in OK condition with our packing. That boy would rather do anything else in the world than pack. But thanks to Jenn, we managed to accomplish a lot this week.

Unfortunately, we've had a few setbacks on our renovation projects, so the house won't be completely ready for us on Saturday. I know Tom's got the team working really hard on finishing the bathroom and walls in the bedroom, but it's looking like we won't be able to settle in immediately.

While that kind of bums me out, I really haven't had time to dwell on it too much. Unbelievably, this is midterm week at grad school and I have a crushing amount of work to do for that. I'll be so glad when this year is over it and I'm done my masters. That will probably be the first chance I get to actually unpack some boxes.

Monday, October 1, 2007

More demo and more progress

Grad school and some personal matters kept me away from the house for several days, but I did manage to get out with Jeff to select our remaining bathroom fixtures. We've been trying to incorporate salvage items as we can, both because we like the idea of reusing great, old items and these items work with our budget.

So, we finally resolved the Great Sink Search of '07 and went with the wallmount marble sink from Salvage One. Our friend DJ is a stone restorer, so he's currently cleaning it up for us so hopefully Tom can install it this next weekend. And my friend eBay sold us our new medicine cabinet last night, which will go very nicely with our lovely sconces that are on their way.

I know a lot's going to be happening in the next couple days. Today, the bedroom walls and ceiling are on deck and all the bathroom debris is getting hauled out. Incredibly, we'll be ready for Sam the electrician to position the outlets and switches in the bedroom tomorrow night. And I'm still plugging away at the bloomin' wallpaper. Tom discovered a new crop of the stuff in the kitchen when he took out the old wall oven and microwave. This stuff is actually pretty, in that Dorothy Draper kind of way.

It's rainy again, so the deck will have to wait for weather. It's about half stained now.